Friday, October 12, 2007

Webcomics: Questionable Content

I've decided to write the first obtrusive post on webcomics about the comic that began my love affair with the damned things.

Questionable Content, or QC, Is a long running online comic by Jeph Jacques. He currently updates every weekday, and is rapidly approaching 1,000 comics, which is particularly impressive for a page style comic, rather than a strip format.

The comic itself is highly amusing, even for folks (like myself) who have zero involvement in the indie music scene which is the frequent subject of the characters' snarky comments. Jeph does a pretty good job of making each page amusing of its own accord, but there are also story arcs that are well worth reading. The art is quite good, and has come a long way from the first comics. Like many webcomics, QC is a testament to the artist's growth, and it records the gradual, but significant, improvements over Jeph's years of drawing.

In many ways, QC is the golden standard of webcomics. Like Something Positive, QC provides its author with his sole source of income, but unlike SP, QC is lighthearted, and entertains those of us who are not complete jerks (A jerk myself, I can sometimes enjoy SP, but I would fully understand if you didn't. Also, I think SP's popularity says something about the composition of the internet community...).
Jeph accepts donations for QC, but his main income appears to come from the sale of clever T-shirts, both comic related and not.

Now, if you people would just give *me* money, I wouldn't need a job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Indeed the evolution in drawings is impressive. I read earlier ones and it was also neat too see how they became more and more life like as more characters were added.

I have also noticed that sarcasms and dark humor dominate web comics. They are a thing of our generation and the late-high school and college students are entering a jaded period of life. I think like Family Guy and other bits of dark humor, they serve as a release. Vicariously saying and doing the extreme things we can't in mixed or polite company and thus providing some stress relief.